Brazilian Postal Service Seeks Tech Innovation Through Blockchain and AI

Brazilian Postal Service Embraces Blockchain and AI

Brazilian Postal Service Seeks Blockchain and AI Solutions

Empresa Brasileira de Correios e Telégrafos, the state-run postal entity in Brazil, has initiated a pre-selection process aimed at attracting companies and experts with blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities. The goal is to enhance its logistics and operational functionalities through innovative solutions.

Call for Proposals

Detailed in the Diário Oficial da União's latest publication on Friday, the tender titled "Licitação Seleção Prévia e Diálogo nº 25000001/2025 CS" invites proposals that align with the agency's digital transformation goals. This effort aims to introduce cutting-edge technologies to revamp key business processes, operational tasks, and internal supply chain management systems.

Focus and Ambitions

The postal service emphasized its commitment to fostering a collaborative and agile approach in sourcing solutions that tackle its business, operational, and staffing challenges. While the specific applications remain unspecified, blockchain is commonly employed for securing transactions, tracking supply chains, and authenticating documents. Meanwhile, AI is anticipated to support efficiency improvements in logistics and data analytics.

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